Listed in: Music & Performing Arts

Your guide to events in Nelson, New Zealand

Louis Lucas-Perry in Concert

Saturday 14th December 2024

Louis Lucas-Perry presents a solo piano concert featuring well-loved, famous pieces.

He will take you on a journey from Mozart to Scriabin, including Mozart’s lively sonata in D major K311 and the magical sonata fantasy in G sharp minor by Scriabin.

Also featured will be Chopin’s Ballade no. 1 and no. 4, two of the greatest masterpieces ever composed for piano, and plenty more great works to feast your ears on.

“It will be great to see you all there.” – Louis Lucas-Perry


December 14


7.00 PM


Nelson & suburbs


Nelson Centre of Musical Arts
48 Nile Street, Nelson, New Zealand

Tickets, Bookings and Entry

$10 - $30

Tickets from NCMA ph. 5489477.



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