Event Criteria

Your guide to events in Nelson, New Zealand

To keep things working smoothly, we have a few rules. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Listing your event on ItsOn.co.nz

ItsOn.co.nz is a promotional website for events held in the Nelson Tasman region.

The website is to only be used for events that meet the criteria below. If the event does not meet these criteria &/or the ItsOn.co.nz Administrator or Events Management Committee feels it is not suitable, the event will not be listed on ItsOn.co.nz. Where possible, the event organiser will be notified if this is the case.

The Events Management Committee reserves the right to decline events deemed inappropriate for this website or inconsistent with the aims of the Nelson Events Strategy.

Please note that the website, FOUND, www.found.org.nz may be suitable to list the events that do not meet the criteria below.

Criteria for Event Listings

  • The event must be open to the public to attend.
  • The event should be of interest to a visitor to the region.
  • Sporting events must be of regional, national or international significance. 
  • Markets must occur on a regular basis.
  • Workshops or Retreats (defined as having a specific objective in terms of learning or making something)  need to be one-off events of fixed duration, not ongoing from week to week.


  • Local weekly or monthly sporting competitions.
  • Garage sales, car-boot sales or similar.
  • Conferences, conventions, paid training courses or similar, unless these are part of a larger festival.
  • Events other than markets, that occur on a reguar basis (weekly, monthly).
  • Ongoing promotional events for retail businesses.
  • Regular meetings or Annual General Meetings (AGMs).
  • Training sessions or regular classes.
  • Events of an illegal nature.
  • Events that are deemed inappropriate by the ItsOn.co.nz Administrator or Events Management Committee.

‘Event Highlights' - events will be selected based on:

  • Events sponsored by the Nelson Events Marketing & Development Programme.
  • Major national / international events.
  • Events expecting to attract visitors from outside the region.
  • Events expecting to attract large numbers of attendees.
  • Events that reinforce or strengthen the identity of the Nelson Tasman region.
  • Other events that ItsOn staff deem to be appropriate to feature.
  • Note: Events selected must have an appropriate high quality image(s).