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Free home heating advice

Monday 22nd July 2024

Learn how to get the most out of your wood burner this winter with Dave Pullen of the NZ Home Heating Association.

Info Free

Fundraiser Choir Sing-Along & Cake Evening

Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Join us as we fundraise to find a new home for Cultural Conversations.

Info Family Friendly Free Alcohol Free

Compost 101 Workshop

Wednesday 24th July 2024

Learn the basics of composting and improve your ecological footprint with Tim's Garden and Rethink Waste Whakaarohia!

Info Family Friendly Free Alcohol Free

Repair Café July

Saturday 27th July 2024

The Repair Café at Nelson Restore brought to you by the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum. Come and be part of a Repair Movement.

Info Family Friendly Free Alcohol Free

Compost 101 Workshop

Wednesday 21st August 2024

Learn the basics of composting and improve your ecological footprint with Tim's Garden and Rethink Waste Whakaarohia!

Info Family Friendly Free Alcohol Free

Compost 101 Workshop

Thursday 19th September 2024

Learn the basics of composting and improve your ecological footprint with Tim's Garden and Rethink Waste Whakaarohia!

Info Family Friendly Free Alcohol Free

Compost 101 Workshop

Thursday 19th September 2024

Learn the basics of composting and improve your ecological footprint with Tim's Garden and Rethink Waste Whakaarohia!

Info Family Friendly Free Alcohol Free

Tāhunanui Beach Clean Up 2024

Sunday 22nd September 2024

Let's keep Tāhunanui beautiful! 'Do the Right Thing',get together with your friends and whanau to make a collective difference in your neighbourhood!

Info Family Friendly Free Alcohol Free

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