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Checkmate, mate - Chess workshop

Monday 19th August 2024

Join us for an exciting chess workshop: Checkmate, mate.

Info Family Friendly Alcohol Free

Sprig + Fern Upper Queen, Richmond 10k Fun Run & Walk 2024

Saturday 24th August 2024

10km Fun run and walk around Richmond.The third of four 10km runs from local Sprig + Fern Taverns. Everyone and all abilities welcome.

Info Family Friendly

INSPIRE Festival

Thursday 5th-Friday 6th September 2024

INSPIRE offers two days of student-selected hands-on workshops all focused around STEAMS (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths, and Society).


Milnes Beatson Motueka to Māpua Relay

Saturday 7th September 2024

Fun Four Leg Relay for walkers and runners on The Great Taste Trail

Info Family Friendly

Empower 2024

Saturday 7th-Sunday 8th September 2024

Empower is a future-focused, digital skills experience with workshops, interactive industry displays and an E-Sports comp for rangatahi aged 14-24.

Info Alcohol Free

Sprig + Fern Mapua 10km Fun Run & Walk 2024

Saturday 19th October 2024

10km Fun run and walk around the trails of Mapua. The last of four 10km from local Sprig + Fern Taverns. Everyone and all abilities welcome.

Info Family Friendly

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