Your guide to events in Nelson, New Zealand
Thursday 19th September 2024
September marks ‘Wills Month’ in New Zealand, an annual prompt to create or update this all-important record of what you want to have happen when you die. Having an up-to-date Will gives you peace of mind that you have made the best plans possible for the people and causes you care about. You have made it easier for your family and friends to do the right thing when you die.
This September we have several opportunities to support Wills Month.
Pitt & Moore Lawyers and Notaries Public and Atkinson Crehan Law have offered to donate $50 to Nelson Tasman Hospice for every new Will signed during September. We appreciate their support and for being part of our compassionate community.
They will also host free community drop-in information sessions during Wills Month here at Nelson Tasman Hospice on Suffolk Road, so you can have some questions around writing a Will answered. You can go to one or both of these sessions, no registration necessary.
Wills Information Drop In Sessions -
• Pitt & Moore - Thurs 5th September 1:00pm - 2:30pm
• Atkinson Crehan Law - Thurs 19th September 1:00pm - 2:30pm
September 19
1:00pm - 2:30pm
Nelson & suburbs, Richmond & surrounds, Richmond
Nelson Tasman Hospice
331 Suffolk Road, Stoke, Nelson
Ph. 027 292 8877