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Wellby Talking Café - McCashin's (Stoke)

Tuesday 16th July 2024

Wellby Talking Cafés welcome everyone for a relaxed cuppa and can start your journey to connect with others who enjoy the same things.

Info Family Friendly Alcohol Free

Hatha Yoga with Sue Ransom

Tuesday 25th June-Tuesday 6th August 2024

Weekly maintenance for body, mind and soul as you move, breathe and relax...


Pop-up Psychodrama Evening

Wednesday 17th July-Wednesday 20th November 2024

Come along and experience this lively method to Increase spontaneity and creativity. Find new ways to respond to old and new situations,

Info Free Alcohol Free

Wellby Talking Café - Motueka Library

Wednesday 17th July 2024

Wellby Talking Cafés welcome everyone for a relaxed cuppa and can start your journey to connect with others who enjoy the same things.

Info Family Friendly Alcohol Free

Broga: Men's Yoga Class

Wednesday 10th July-Wednesday 18th December 2024

A beginner level men only yoga class which will help you build flexibility, strength and reduce stress.


Rise and Energise Morning Yoga with Sue Ransom

Wednesday 26th June-Wednesday 7th August 2024

Rise and energise with this mid-week Hatha Yoga session to prepare for your day. Suitable for beginners and the more experienced.


Wellby Talking Café - NMIT Level 1, Library Learning Centre, M Block

Thursday 18th July 2024

Wellby Talking Cafés welcome everyone for a relaxed cuppa and can start your journey to connect with others who enjoy the same things.

Info Family Friendly Alcohol Free

Thursday Hatha Yoga with Sue Ransom

Thursday 27th June-Thursday 8th August 2024

Experience the beautiful benefits of yoga. These sessions are a lovely way to take regular care of yourself, nurturing your body, mind and soul.


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